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Growning up, the sight, smells, and sounds of pots and pans rattling and steaming in the wee morning  hours filled the house. My mother, Argolder Bessellieu was from Lubbock, Texas- my dad, Charles Bessellieu, was from Greenville, South Carolina. Dinner time was a time for bonding and comfort: roast chicken, turkey wings, collard greens, mac and cheese, potato salad, chittlings, fried okra, and Southern style corn bread was the usual creation that fed a family of ten.  As they cooked, I was right there watching, absorbing and learning from both of my parents who passed by my sixteenth birthday. 


My two godmothers, Mama King and Mama Audrey picked up where my parents left off.  I continued to expand my knowledge and love of cooking Soul Food.  Because of the knowledge and passion I gained over the past three decades,  I birthed my dream and Mama King Soul Food Catering, LLC was born. My desire is to allow all cultures to embrace the taste and comfort of Southern cuisine while experiencing the memories of Mama's home cooked meals.


So come home to Mama's.



My brother Timmy,  Mama King,  and Me.....

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